## Situational Leadership II
__Archer Style__
![Fort Kick Ass](img/archer-image.jpg "Archer")
## All about the Task
![Why would you share that?](img/shareThat.gif)
- People are multifaceted
- Not all tasks are the same
- Iteractions should NOT be the same
The Problem
- I got my own style
- I got you pegged
- Racker / Leader unhappy
When you get the wrong style
## What should we do?
![Come out to play!](img/comeOutPlay.gif)
- Identify the task
- Determine the level
- Support appropriately
## Development Levels
![I will leave you to it!](img/fortKick.gif)
D1 - Enthusiastic Beginner
- High Enthusiasim
- No pior demonstrated experience
- Tends to underestimate the task
Low Skill
High Will
D2 - Disillusioned Learner
- Little prior demonstrated experience
- Motivation low and frustration high
The black whole of happiness
D3 - Capable / Cautious
- Moderate to High Skills
- Varied Commitment
High Skill
Low Will
D4 - Self Reliant Acheiver
- Demonstrated Mastery of Skill
- Completely Dedicated
Give me what you got and get out of my way!
## Pop Quiz
![Ray in the Chair Lift](img/ray-chairlift.gif)
## Non-Archer Image
![Development Model](img/development-model-2.jpg)
Leadership Styles
S1 - Directing
- Highly Directive
- Low Support
Direction by Leader
Energy by Racker
S2 - Coaching
- Highly Directive
- Highly Supportive
Direction by Leader
Leader encourages Racker
S3 - Supporting
- Limited Direction
- Highly Supportive
Direction ( Ideas ) come from Racker
Leader encourages Racker
S4 - Delegating
- Limited Direction
- Limited Support
Leaders says, "You got this bro!"
## Pop - Quiz
![I will leave you to it](img/leaveYouToIt.gif)
## Non-Archer Image 2
![Leadership styles](img/situational-leadership-theory.gif)
## Done!!!
![Smoke Bomb](img/smokeBomb.gif)